Welfare Benefits

SECO GLOBAL is waiting for you, who will with infinite challenge and passion, lead the global company of the 21st century.

  • 자기개발 지원

    Support for self-development

    SECO Training Center (Gwacheon, Gyeonggi-do) : twice a year for each position (training for each function and position) with on-site training once a year
    Training for each class (once a year for on-site training)
    In-company language center : English, Japanese and Chinese
    Cyber lecture

  • 복지시설 운영

    Welfare facility

    Lunch and dinner are provided.
    Gas cost for outside work/event is paid by the company.

  • 포상제도 운영

    Reward system

    Citation and reward for exemplary employees
    Citation and reward for outstanding business proposals
    Citation and reward for long-served employees / domestic and overseas trips

  • 휴가 및 경조금 지원

    Support for vacation and expenditure for congratulations and condolences

    Expenditure for congratulations and condolences: marriage, birth, 60th birthday, 70th birthday, regular summer vacation

  • 기념일 선물지급

    Gift for anniversaries

    National holidays, Company Foundation Day, Labor Day, etc.

  • 기타 복리후생 지원

    Other welfare benefits

    4 major insurances / health screening / child education support / welfare fund loan / club activity support / various events